
Pietro Vannucci’s house also known as ” il Perugino”. A plaque indicates that the house at no. 17 Via Deliziosa was inhabited, according to the tradition, by Pietro Vannucci called the Perugino. It is faced by the facade with a bell tower of the former Church of Sant’Antonino, from the thirteenth century, to which a civil house was attached.

At the National Gallery of Umbria (GNU) you can admire some of the works of Il Perugino (below: Adoration of the Magi).

Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria (GNU)

Photos sources
Franco Prevignano
Radio Lombardia

Texts sources
Rosi Bonci L. 2007, PERUGIA NASCOSTA. Camminare per vicoli. Proposte di trekking urbano, Quattroemme, Perugia