2022 . IB&S european project
The association Priori aps is a partner of the European Erasmus+ project “INCREASING COMPETENCIES TO USE THE INTERNET BETTER AND SAFER”. The partner countries of the project are Spain, Turkey and Poland. The project will be completed in the year 2023.

2022 . Agata, ornata di pietre preziose
“Agate, adorned with precious stones”. A photographic exhibition conceived in collaboration with the contemporary art historian Claudia Bottini, set up at the Church of Sant’Agata, in Via dei Priori. The project was carried out thanks to the contribution of the Umbria Region, the municipality of Perugia and the BCC Banca Centro Toscana Umbria.

2022 . Tower of Sciri and Association of Priori. A unique look at tourism, culture and events
The project developed by the Priori association and financed thanks to the call of the Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia Foundation, thanks to which it realizes works to guarantee a better usability and reception of visitors.

2021 . Siamo Luce
“We are Light”. Contemporary art project developed in collaboration with P.Felix Marian Blaj and Stella Lupo. A temporary set-up along the way was made during the Christmas period thanks to the contribution of the municipality of Perugia.

2021 . Redevelopment of the Cupa Park – Bees Area / Dog Area
A project for the construction of an bees area and a dog area within the reference park of Via dei Priori. Created thanks to the Municipality of Perugia and the collaboration with the association Rione di Porta Eburnea APS.

2020 . Natale Geniale
“A Genius Christmas”. A project developed in collaboration with Giancarlo Pastonchi, Emanuela Filippelli, and Francesca Pellegrino, financed by the Municipality of Perugia and the traders of Via dei Priori, aimed at creating a promotional video and expanding the website www.visitaperugia.it.

2020 . Priorità Donna
“Women’s Priority”. A project of a social nature as well as cultural, artistic, and convivial to support the fight against violence against women and awareness on the subject. The project has given rise to an event, which is proposed every year, also in support of the commercial activities of Via dei Priori and the historic center of Perugia.
2020 . Europe in my region
A project, in collaboration with the Umbria Region and the European Community, for the realization of the event EUROPE IN MY REGION for the promotion of the Torre degli Sciri.
2020 . Sedersi a Priori
“Sitting at Priori”. Project, developed in collaboration with the architect Roberto Fioroni, for the realization of sessions in Via dei Priori. The project was carried out thanks to the contribution of the BCC Banca Centro Toscana Umbria.

2019 . The mini-guide of Visita Perugia
Project for the realization of a mini-tourist guide of the city developed in collaboration with Francesca Pellegrino. The zero number was created and distributed thanks to the contribution of the merchants. The pandemic emergency prevented the realization of the subsequent scheduled releases. The project is being reorganized.

2019 . “Salotto Priori”
The project aimed at the realization and installation of tourist information panels and chairs along Via dei Priori. Developed in collaboration with Officine Fratti and Francesca Pellegrino, an expert in information architecture and communication, the project is still being financed.

2018 . Restoration and enhancement of the wall paintings and altars of the Chapels of the Conservatory attached to the Tower of Sciri
The project was presented by the Priori Association and financed by the call of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia. In addition to the restoration works, the association creates the website www.visitaperugia.it to promote, to residents and tourists, places, activities, and events in Via dei Priori.